With this call, ENISA seeks to recruit one Cybersecurity officer (AST6) within the Market, Certification and Standardisation Unit.
The place of employment for this vacancy is Athens, Greece.
The Jobholder is expected to contribute to one or more of the following activities:
- Assist to the design, deployment and maintenance of EU cybersecurity certification schemes and the EU cybersecurity certification framework;
- Support with compiling and publishing guidelines and develop good practices, concerning the cybersecurity requirements for ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes, in cooperation with national cybersecurity certification authorities and industry in a formal, structured and transparent way;
- Assist to the establishment and take-up of European and international standards for risk management and for the security of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes;
- Assist in the promulgation of draft candidate cybersecurity certification schemes by analysing requirements for security measures and controls in the relevant policy areas including, cloud services, common criteria, Trust services, personal data and privacy, internet of things, artificial intelligence, risk management and assessment etc. in line with the Union Rolling Work Program and certification requests;
- Assist to the drafting and implementation of the Agency Multiannual Work Programme;
- Assist to tender procedures and supervision of contracts related to the activities of the Multiannual Work Programme;
- Assist in setting-up and co-ordinating expert/working groups in the area of cybersecurity;
- Assist European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and the Member States on research needs and priorities in the field of cybersecurity;
- Performing other duties as instructed by the management, according to the needs and priorities of ENISA.
For more information related to the tasks, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, etc. we invite you to read carefully the vacancy notice.
Please send us your applications by no later than 22/07/2021 at 16:00 CET (Central European Time Zone).